So many of us are on the search for more income. But what if your income is satisfying but your fulfilment is not? Do you have to sacrifice life fulfilment for your best income? Do you have to sacrifice fulfilment for the work you love?
I don’t see why you can’t have an exciting income and a fulfilling life too. Obviously you need time to actually create, then immerse in, a fulfilling personal life and that requires some setting up. With any other project or new venture, you’d allocate the necessary time, energy, resources and hard work that goes into making a success of the new project. It’s exactly the same when creating life fulfilment – it is indeed an aspect of life wholly dependant and independent – both – on the other aspects of your life so it demands your whole attention when setting it up, a little maintenance, and some self-love.
Fulfilment is the result of ‘right focus’ – priorities and needs balanced with personal reward. That might sound a bit simplistic, but if your focus is on creating an amazing-to-you income chances are your focus has not been your own personal reward – it’s been about collecting coins, toys, experiences that others envy, about being the go-to, the super achiever, the authority on whatever your thing is. Or maybe that’s now reduced to feeding the families of your employees with only stress of that on your horizon?
So thinking about the people who depend on you for their income, for their ability to look after their families, how do you balance the worry of that with the satisfaction of achieving that? Or do you not balance that? We know that balancing the negative thoughts (worry, resentment, anxiety and so on) with the positive thoughts (possibility, satisfaction, appreciation and the like) enables the good stuff to be experienced at deeper levels, the felt-sense of accomplishment
But I think fulfilment arises from what you’re spending your mind-time on. How much time gets wasted with endless thinking along dead ends, bothersome people and failed projects. That mind-time propels resentment and similarly energy draining states of mind, actively preventing fulfilment.
Fulfilment comes easiest by doing the thinking you need to do whilst appreciating, loving, admiring the good stuff you’ve created. A pat on the back is fine for the ego, but actually enjoying, peacefully enjoying your personal rewards boosts fulfilment, adds to the ledger, increases your cognitive fuel, energises your endocrine system and opens you for possibility thinking.
You do need to create a space at the beginning and end of every day where you can do mind-time at choice. Create 3-5mins morning & night for nothing else but mind-timing on what you’ve accomplished, what you’re appreciating at the moment, what you’re enjoying in those few minutes. It’s an easy habit to develop & will quickly increase your sense of fulfilment, sense of accomplishment, sense of it all being worthwhile.